Friday, October 18, 2013

Up again

When I weighed in on Wednesday, I was expecting a huge gain.  What I saw was a less than one pound gain.  That .8 gain brought me back to my starting weight... which is also my highest weight ever.

I always have these grand, motivated plans to kick start my weight loss.  However, when it comes time to follow through, I fail.  I can come up with a thousand excuses as to why, but when I really think about it, it comes down to me being lazy.  After a long day at work, I want nothing more to come home, sit on my couch and clear out the DVR.  I don't want to take the dog for a walk, go to the gym, or even cook dinner.  On the weekends, I don't want to get up early (even though my internal alarm clock wakes me up before 8am), I don't want to get out of my warm, comfortable bed. 

There was a time, a few years ago, where I was at the gym four to five days a week.  I had a trainer, a routine, a plan.  And I was good at sticking to it.  Then, I hurt my ankle and it all fell apart.  Since then, I haven't been able to get back into the routine.  I go to the gym a few times, then have a meeting or other plans after work and then don't go back for a month.  I am not a morning gym person.  I will never be one of those people who gets up at 5am to be at the gym by 6am and work out until 7am, then get ready for work and be there by 8am.  I've tried it.  And I was miserable.  I was tired and ready to nap by lunch time.  I wasn't energized.  I wasn't pumped up.  I hated it.  So, finding time in the evenings is when I need to go.  The problem with that is... finding the time.  Between Junior League, Runnin' for Rhett, softball and everything else I have going on, carving out an hour for the gym is rough.  I have it on my calendar, and except for gym time, when something is on my calendar, I am committed.  So, what makes going to the gym different? 

Definitely something I need to ponder.

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